Constraint Grammar Rules for Estonian 1.0 
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Eesti keele Kitsenduste Grammatika reeglid 1.0
The main idea of the Constraint Grammar is that it determines the surface-level
syntactic a nalysis of the text, which h as gone through prior morphological analysis.
The process of syntactic analysis consists of three stages: m orphological
disambiguation, identification o f clause boundaries, and identification o f syntactic
functions of words.
The underlying principle in determining both the morphological interpretation and
the syntactic functions is the same: first all the possible labels are a ttached to words
and then the ones that do no t fit t he c ontext are removed by applying special rules
called constraints. Constraint Grammar consists of hand written rules, which b y
checking the context decide whether an interpretation is correct or has to be removed.
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Süntaktilise analüüsi jaoks on vajalik
eesti keele morfoloogiline analüsaator, nt Vabamorf: Et Vabamorfi automaatselt kasutada, on vaja failis paika panna installeeritud Vabamorfi programmi ja sõnastiku teed.
VISL CG3 Kitsenduste Grammatika analüsaator: Grammatikad ühilduvad VISL CG3 versiooniga
Reeglite failid ja skriptid moodulite ühendamiseks.
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