Moksha prosody corpus
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Mokša prosoodia korpus
The data consists of 95 test words consisting of 1-3 syllables. The word list is created by Tiit-Rein Viitso. The test words were embedded in a carrier sentence occurring once in the phrase-final position and once in the sentece final position. Recordings from 28 speakers.
The data was used for Aasmäe, N., Lippus, P., Pajusalu, K., Salveste, N., Zirnask, T., & Viitso, T.-R. (2013). Moksha prosody. Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura. Retrieved from
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95 loetud lausest koosnev andmestik, iga lause sisaldab kaks 1-3-silbilist testsõna. Salvestused kokku 28 keelejuhilt. Materjali kasutati raamatus: Aasmäe, N., Lippus, P., Pajusalu, K., Salveste, N., Zirnask, T., & Viitso, T.-R. (2013). Moksha prosody. Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura. Retrieved from
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