Pite Saami lexical database

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Pitesamisk ordlista

Bidumsáme báhkogirrje

The Pite Saami lexical database includes mainly headwords with part of speech, grammatical information (consonant gradation, umlaut and stem extension patterns), syllable count and translations into English and Swedish, but also additional entries which are word-forms (in which case the corresponding lemma is indicated) and phrases.

It is mainly based on a collection of Pite Saami words from the project Insamling av pitesamiska ord (2008-2012; Nils-Henrik Bengtsson, Marianne Eriksson, Inger Fjällås, Eva-Karin Rosenberg, Gry Helen Sivertsen, Valborg Sjaggo, Dagny Skaile & Peter Steggo) with additions and extensive editing by Joshua Wilbur, with support from Peter Steggo and Olve Utne.

Cite as: Wilbur, Joshua, Peter Steggo, Olve Utne, Nils-Henrik Bengtsson, Marianne Eriksson, Inger Fjällås, Eva-Karin Rosenberg, Gry Helen Sivertsen, Valborg Sjaggo & Dagny Skaile. 2024. The Pite Saami Lexical Database. version 1.0. Center for Estonian Language Resources. DOI: tbd.

Note that the most current version of the database is searchable online at https://sjelex.keeleressursid.ee .

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