Estonian Emotional Speech Corpus

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Eesti emotsionaalse kõne korpus



The corpus contains 1,234 Estonian sentences that
express anger, joy and sadness, or are neutral.
Female voice, 44.1 KHz, 16Bit, Mono;
wav, textgrid: phonemes, words, sentences.
The audio-recordings and text of sentences can be downloaded and saved.

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Korpus sisaldab 1234 eestikeelset viha-, rõõmu- ja kurbuse emotsiooniga lauset ning neutraalset lauset.
Naishääl, 44.1 KHz, 16Bit, Mono;
wav, textgrid: häälikud, sõnad, laused.
Lausete heli ja teksti saab alla laadida ja salvestada.

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