Estonian Female Voice audiobook corpus for Speech Synthesis

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Naishäälte ilukirjanduskorpus

The female voice fiction audiobook corpus has been compiled from book reading series recorded by the Estonian Public Broadcasting. Four sub-corpora were created for which three pleasant and well-represented female voices with different timbres were selected. The text is corrected to match with the audio, and utterances with background noise or other defects were excluded. Separate annotations were created for character speech (the dialogues) and narrator speech (the remaining text). The character speech was manually annotated for the gender and age of the character and the position of the introductory sentence. Resource Creators: R. Altrov, I. Hein, H. Pajupuu, L. Piits, H. Sahkai, K. Tamuri, T. Vilu

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Naishäälte ilukirjanduskorpus koosneb Rahvusringhäälingult saadud järjejuttude katkenditest. Ilukirjanduskorpusesse on valitud neli eri tämbriga meeldivamat naishäält. Korpus on esitatud lausete kaupa, igale helifailile vastab samanimeline tekstifail. Saadud materjal on lause haaval üle kuulatud: tekst on viidud kõnega vastavusse ja välja on jäetud defektsed laused. Eraldi on märgendatud jutustaja kõne ja tegelaskõne. Viimane on märgendatud vastavalt tegelaste soole ja vanusele ning saatelause asukohale. Ressursi loojad ja korrastajad: R. Altrov, I. Hein, H. Pajupuu, L. Piits, H. Sahkai, K. Tamuri, T. Vilu.

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