Estonian Speech Corpus "Donate Speech"

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Kõnekorpus "Anneta kõnet"

The corpus has been collected through the platform in 2023 and includes speech samples from Estonian-speaking adults in various fields.

The "Donate Speech" project has been initiated in collaboration between the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and the Information System Authority of Republic of Estonia, funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU.

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Korpus on kogutud 2023. a platvormi kaudu ja sisaldab täisealiste eesti keelt rääkivate inimeste kõnet erinevatest valdkondadest.

“Anneta kõnet” projekt on ellu kutsutud Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeeriumi ning Riigi Infosüsteemi Ameti koostöös ning seda on rahastanud Euroopa Liit — NextGenerationEU.

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