27 Language Resources (Page 1 of 2)

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 Estonian-Mari Dictionary    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 14
  • Estonian
 Estonian-Russian learner's orthographic dictionary    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 13
  • Estonian
  • Russian
 Names of Countries    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 11
  • Estonian
 The Dictionary of Education    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 11
  • Estonian
 The Dictionary of Estonian Antonyms    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 8
  • Estonian
 The Dictionary of Estonian Phraseology    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 14
  • Estonian
 The Dictionary of Estonian Synonyms    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 13
  • Estonian
 The Dictionary of the Hiiu Dialect    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 11
  • Estonian
 The Dictionary of the Kihnu Dialect    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 11
  • Estonian
 The Dictionary of the Mulgi Dialect    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 14
  • Estonian
 The Dictionary of the Seto Dialect    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 11
  • Estonian
 The English-Estonian Maritime Dictionary    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 13
  • English
  • Estonian
 The Estonian Etymological Dictionary    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 15
  • Estonian

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